Elite Foot and Ankle Clinics

With over 20 Years Experience in the NHS and the Private Sector Mr Antonius is an Expert in his Field

At Elite Foot and Ankle Clinics 

we have the expertise to address all of your foot or ankle concerns. We provide services to patients of all ages in Gorleston, Great Yarmouth and the
surrounding areas.

In his Capacity as a Consultant Podiatrist and Musculoskeletal Clinical lead, Mr Antonius had run clinics at Northgate and Beccles Hospitals and jointly run the Diabetic Multi-Disciplinary Foot Clinic at James Paget University Hospital along side a consultant endocrinologist, consultant vascular surgeon and a team of specialist podiatrist.
He is a specialist in sports medicine, minor surgery of the foot, podo-pediatrics (children’s feet), wound care, diabetic/general podiatric care. We offer bio-mechanical assessments and Gait Analysis .
We provide pre-fabricated and custom orthotics and braces.

Clinics Locations


70 High Street
Gorleston-on-Sea, NR31 6RQ
07888 24 24 64


9 Station Road
Orpington BR5 0RZ
01689 877 870

Elite Foot and Ankle CLINICS